JaunumiDesertu receptes no konditorejas meistarklases

Desertu receptes no konditorejas meistarklases

Februāra vidū ‘Gemoss" mācību virtuvē visiem interesentiem bija iespēja apmeklēt ievērības cienīgā ASV konditora Maikla Laiskoni meistarklasi, kur klātesošajiem klātienē varēja vērot desertu profesionāli darbībā un no viņa mācīties. Toties mēs publicējam meistarklasē gatavoto desertu receptes, lai tiem, kuri nebija klāt, dotu iespēju kaut nedaudz uzzināt no tā, kas notika meistarklasē, turpretī tiem, kuri meistarklasē bija, būs vērtīgi atsvaidzināt atmiņā gardos desertus!

Milk Chocolate-Star Anise Cremeux

Mandarin Pearls

Yield: 20 servings

Milk Chocolate-Star Anise Cremeux

275g whole milk
225g heavy cream (35% fat)
35g sucrose
5g star anise
95g pasteurized egg yolks
1 sheet gelatin, bloomed
345g milk chocolate couverture

1. Combine the milk, cream, sucrose, and star anise. Bring to a boil; remove from heat, cover and infuse for 15 minutes.

2. Remove the star anise and return to a boil. Remove from heat and whisk in the egg yolks. Add the bloomed gelatin.

3. Transfer to a container and add the milk chocolate, emulsify with immersion blender and transfer to serving dishes; chill.

Mandarin Pearls

175g mandarin orange purée
75g water
20g sucrose
1.7g agar
0.3g locust bean gum
Vegetable oil, chilled to 4˚C/40˚F

1. Combine purée and sucrose. Gently heat to dissolve the sucrose. Reserve warm.

2. Into the water, disperse the agar and locust bean gum; transfer to a small sauce pan.

3. Bring this mixture to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

4. Remove from heat and incorporate into the reserved purée

6. Drop the mixture into cold vegetable oil, allowing 5-10 minutes to set. Drain.

Mandarin Gel Sponge

75g water
32g sucrose
30g mandarin orange purée
5g lemon juice
2 sheets gelatin, bloomed

1. Combine the sucrose and water and bring to a boil. Add the lemon juice and the gelatin, stirring to dissolve.

2. Transfer to the bowl of an electric stand mixer and whip to a soft peak. Transfer to a Silpat-lined 12cm frame and freeze to fully set.


Lime Zest

Chocolate Decor

Grated Chocolate

Lemon Parfait

Herb Sablée, Pistachio Micro Sponge, Apricot Sphere

Yield: 20 servings

Lemon Parfait

2 whole eggs
150g sucrose
85g lemon juice
2 sheets gelatin, bloomed
85g unsalted butter
100g heavy cream (35% fat), whipped to soft peaks

1. In a heavy saucepan, whisk together the eggs and sucrose, and then add the lemon juice.

2. On medium heat, bring mixture just to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add the gelatin

3. Allow the mixture to cool 35˚C/95˚F and emulsify the butter into the cremeux base.

4. Once cooled, fold into whipped cream and portion into tart rings. Freeze.

Herb Sablée

25g fresh herbs (basil, mint, tarragon)
150g sucrose
160g butter, unsalted
80g egg yolks
225g all-purpose flour
2g salt
15g baking powder

1. Thoroughly blend the herbs and sucrose in food processor.

2. In a mixer bowl fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together the butter and sucrose mixture.

3. Slowly add egg yolks, scraping down the bowl after each addition.

4. Add flour, salt, and baking powder, mixing just until combined; chill.

5. Roll or sheet dough to desired thickness; form and bake as desired.

Pistachio Micro Sponge

120g pistachio paste
80g sucrose
20g Wondra or all-purpose flour
4 whole eggs

1. Thoroughly combine all ingredients; pass through a fine mesh sieve.

2. Transfer the mixture to a one-pint foam siphon and load two gas chargers, per manufacturer’s instructions.

3. Dispense the mixture into paper cups, into which a few regularly-spaced holes are punched.

4. Place in microwave and cook on high power for 30-40 seconds. The ‘baking’ time will vary with the wattage of the microwave and quantity dispersed.

5. Remove from microwave, cool, and then remove from the cups.

Apricot Spheres

200g apricot purée
5g calcium lactate
25g sucrose
1000g water
7g sodium alginate
2g sodium citrate
300g water
200g sucrose

1. Whisk together the apricot purée, sucrose, and calcium. Deposit into desired forms and freeze.

2. Drop the mixture into a 0.7% alginate bath. Allow to set for 3-4 minutes. Transfer from the bath into a cold water rinse and store in a 60% water/40% sucrose syrup.


White Chocolate Décor

Candied Orange Peel

“Rupjmaizes kārtojums”

Rye Bread Cream, Cranberry Fluid Gel

Yield: 20 servings

Rye Bread Cream

250g heavy cream (35% fat)
250g whole milk
1 vanilla bean
50g rye bread, toasted
50g sucrose
2g fine sea salt
6g kappa carrageenan
200g stabilized cream, whipped

1. Combine the cream, milk, vanilla and crumbled rye bread in a saucepan and gently heat; infuse ten minutes.

2. Blend and strain the cream mixture, pressing on the rye solids to extract a yield of 500g.

3. Combine the rye bread infusion, sucrose, and salt and gently heat. Shear in the kappa and bring just to a boil. Transfer to a tray and set.

4. Blend the rye bread gel to a smooth consistency and strain. Reserve chilled.

5. For assembly, fold the rye bread gel into the stabilized cream and transfer to a pastry bag.

Stabilized Cream

200g heavy cream (35% fat)
15g sucrose
1g fine sea salt
1 sheet gelatin, silver grade, bloomed

1. Combine the cream, sucrose, and salt in a sauce pan and heat to dissolve.

2. Remove from heat and add the gelatin, stirring to dissolve; strain through a fine mesh sieve and chill over an ice water bath.

Cranberry Fluid Gel

100g water
100g sucrose
100g cranberry juice, unsweetened
3g agar

1. Combine water and agar in a small saucepan. Gently bring to a boil; reduce heat while maintaining a simmer for two minutes.

2. Remove from heat and whisk in lemon juice and sucrose. Allow to cool and set.

3. Process in blender until smooth.


Caramelized Puff Pastry

Dark Chocolate Decor

Caramel Sauce

Rye Bread Crisp

Crunchy Choux Puff

Hazelnut Praline Mousseline

Yield: approx. 20 pieces

Pâte à Choux

125g whole milk
125g water
10g sucrose
2g salt
100g unsalted butter
75g all-purpose flour
75g high gluten flour
4 whole eggs

1. Place the milk, water, sucrose, salt, and butter in saucepan and bring to a rolling boil.

2. Remove from heat and stir in the flour until combined; return to heat and cook for 1-2 minutes until a smooth mass has formed.

3. Transfer to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Beat the mixture until slightly cooled; incorporate the eggs in the small amounts.

4. Transfer the paste to a pastry bag and pipe mounds roughly 4cm in diameter mounds.

5. Top each frozen choux with a 5cm disc of the choux sablée.

6. Place in a 170˚C oven, and bake for five minutes. Reduce the heat to 160˚C and continue to bake an additional five minutes. Reduce heat to 150˚C and finish baking until golden and dry, approximately 10-15 minutes.

7. When cool, poke a small hole into the bottom of each choux puff and fill with the hazelnut cream. Dust with confectioner’s sugar.

Choux Sablée

50g butter, unsalted
55g sucrose
55g all-purpose flour
1g salt

1. Place all ingredients in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with paddle; mix on low speed just until combined, adding a small amount of water if necessary.

2. Roll the dough between two sheets of acetate cut to approximately 30cm by 40cm. Freeze.

3. Using a 5cm ring cutter, cut discs of the sablée and reserve chilled.

Hazelnut Cream

240g unsalted butter, softened
180g hazelnut praline paste (alternatively, Nutella or similar sweetened nut spread)
480g pastry cream

1. Combine butter and praline paste in a mixer bowl and whip until thoroughly combined. Slowly add the pastry cream.

2. Chill for use later, or store at room temperature until assembly.

Vanilla Pastry Cream

250g whole milk
100g heavy cream (35% fat)
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
50g egg yolks
65g sucrose
15g corn starch
25g unsalted butter, room temperature

1. Combine the milk, cream, and vanilla in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.

2. Whisk together egg yolks, sucrose, and corn starch. Temper half of the hot milk mixture into the eggs mixture.

3. Return to heat and bring just to a boil. Remove from heat and transfer to a stand mixer and add gelatin. Allow the pastry to cool to 35˚C/95˚F and add the butter. Chill.


Black Balsam Caramel and Peanut Butter Cup

Yield: 50 pieces

Black Balsam Caramel

250g glucose syrup
30g invert sugar
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
5g fine sea salt
420g heavy cream (35% fat)
330g sucrose

1. In a heavy saucepan, combine the cream, glucose, invert sugar, and vanilla; gently heat and reserve.

2. In a second saucepan, cook the sugar to a medium dark caramel. Deglaze with the warm cream mixture and cook to 110°C/230°F. Add the Black Balsam liqueur. Continue to cook to 118˚C/245˚F.

3. Pour the caramel into a set of bars lined with a Silpat and cool several hours before cutting and wrapping.

Peanut Butter Cup

125g peanut butter (1)
75g tapioca maltodextrin
25g cocoa butter, melted
10g dark chocolate, melted
70g peanut butter (2)
100g praline paste
Dark chocolate shells, as needed
Coarse sea salt, as needed

1. Place the first measurement of peanut butter (1) into the bowl of a food processor. Slowly incorporate the maltodextrin until a powdery consistency is achieved; reserve)

2. Add the melted cocoa butter and chocolate to the second measurement of peanut butter (2) and praline paste. Heat the mixture to 45°C/113°F.

3. Pour the mixture onto a marble, working briefly with an offset spatula to cool to 30°C/ 86°F.

4. Transfer mixture to a frame and crystallize.

5. Fill pre-cast dark chocolate shells with the gianduja mixture; top with peanut powder and coarse salt

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Ir 2024. gada 27. jūlijs 11:25
Vārda dienas svin Marta, Dita, Dite


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